Friday, March 13, 2015

Super Mocha Icy Pops Recipe

I don't know about you but personally, I LOVE ice cream and warm weather. Unfortunately, ice cream DOESN'T love my body. But there's just something about sitting by the pool or at a BBQ, enjoying a nice, cool treat. Here in California, it gets into the 110 degree range in the summer so I have to find ways to keep cool. 

I know with this lifestyle change it means things like not eating ice cream every day. It's okay once and awhile. I'll admit from time to time, I use it as my one cheat meal per week. But the foodie in me wants it more than that time. So what's a girl to do? I don't like depriving myself as that has led to overeating of the bad stuff in the past so in order to curb my cravings, I have to find a healthy alternative. Luckily, these Super Mocha Icy Pops does the trick!! And it's SUPER EASY to make! Who doesn't love food that is easy to make?!?!? All you need are Popsicle makers and the following ingredients. Just mix the ingredients together, toss some in some Popsicle makers, and freeze!

Let me know if you try this!! I always love to hear from you!!

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