About Me

About Me

What a journey this has been! I may not look like it now but I used to be super morbidly obese and struggled with my weight my entire life. I always felt like I was the biggest kid in my class and was bullied for my weight.

When I show people this photo, they can't believe that this used to be me, that I used to weigh OVER 320lbs. My therapist thought I had googled the image, even. But looking at the person I am today, I can see why they might think that. Heck, sometimes I don't even recognize myself!

But I did used to be over 320lbs and I was dying.  I had every co-morbidity due to my weight and I was even in a wheelchair. My doctors didn't think I'd live to see thirty. I even had the beginning signs of congestive heart failure. My life was nonexistant and I had to rely on other people to do things for me like go to the bathroom, get me out of bed, etc. While some people dream of cars or money, I dreampt that one day I would walk again, to feel my legs underneath me and be in control of my own body. And I did - I proved those doctors wrong!!

I lost close to 200lbs and Beachbody has recognized me for my incredible Transformation and I won the Quarterly Prize of $5,000 and a trip to LA - PLUS the Monthly Prize of $1,000 on top of that. I am in the running for the $100,000 grand prize (will find out in April if I am a grand prize finalist).

Thanks to losing the weight, I am not held down by my health conditions or my body - I am free to live my life and experience the things I never thought possible. I am truly living free now and am thankful everyday that I am alive. After all, I lived PAST age 30, unlike my doctor's predictions and my journey is not done yet! 

I wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for my Coach and the Challenge Groups I completed.

I also have discovered my TRUE passion - helping others achieve their weight loss and fitness dreams. If I can do it, SO CAN YOU!! And I would LOVE to help you with your transformation by being your coach!  Contact me if you are interested in joining my next challenge group, learning about Shakeology, or for more info on becoming a Coach yourself! I will be there for you EVERY DAY helping you along the way to meet and exceed each and every one of your health and fitness goals. I won't give up on you and I won't let you give up either!

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