Monday, March 30, 2015

Challenge Group Starting Preseason April 13!

A little over 2 years ago I was over 300lbs. I was very sick because of my weight - had diabetes, congestive heart failure, etc, and it was even putting a strain on my marriage. My doctors didn't think I’d make it to 30. I had been overweight my entire life but it seemed to bloom after I lost my parents to cancer. I was missing out on life and I didn’t have much going for me but I had determination - and I was determined to loose weight. I started off slow, walking at first but then I realized I needed something more. I decided to give TurboFire a try and I joined my first challenge group, where I received support, motivation, help with clean eating, and found a group of others just like me. It wasn’t easy. I wanted to quit more times than I can count. But just when I wanted to quit and turn off the DVD, Chalene, the trainer, would come on and say things like, “you’re not tired,”and how she believed in me and wanted me to push harder, so I did. I’m so glad I didn’t give up because today I’ve lost 200lbs. I truly am living free now; I’m not tied down by all the health issues that once ailed me. I not only “found the new me” physically but also mentally – I’ve discovered my passion, which is helping others. So now I am a health and fitness coach, where I run FREE private challenge groups, help with meal plans and grocery lists for my challengers, helping them reach their goals. And, I'm forming my list for next month's challenge group - are YOU in???? 

 Feel free to fill out the form below if you're interested . You don't need to already own a program - I can help you choose one based on your goals. So let's chat! Start your journey to the new YOU and come do it with the support of others like you!
Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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