Saturday, April 4, 2015

My Round 1 Chalene Extreme / TurboFire Hybrid Results!!

While doing a round of Chalene Extreme, I ended up trying one of the bonus workouts that came with it: TurboJam. It was SUPER fun and didn't feel like working out at all. Normally, I HATE cardio, but this seemed like something I could do. So, I did some research and found TurboFire, a bit more challenging than TurboJam but with the same trainer and similar workout style. I knew I had to give it a try. After receiving it in the mail, I went through the program and saw there was an option to try a hybrid program with Chalene Extreme. Since I still wanted to tone up as well as lose weight, I decided to give it a try. My results are posted below. I did one round of the Hybrid program.

Highest Weight: 320

Starting Weight (on this round): 244
Ending Weight : 214
Total Lost This Round: 30lbs

I followed the schedule  provided in the program but there are also schedules posted on Beachbody's website. Here is the link you can follow if you'd like to print it:

 It was really fun and I will probably do it again in the future. I liked how it alternated between muscle building and cardio. Chalene is so inspiring. She really inspired and motivated me to keep going when I felt like quitting. TurboFire is one of the most intense programs I have ever done. Just when you think you can't go any more, she says, "guess what? You're not tired!" and for some odd reason, you push forward.

Have you done it? What did you think?

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