Saturday, April 4, 2015

My Round 1 Chalene Extreme Results

I was cleaning out my computer the other day and low and behold...what did I find? My old diaries and photos from when I tried my first BeachBody Program, Chalene Extreme.

When I bought the program, I tried the different workouts out but didn't actually start the program until February 18th of 2013, a few months later.

I did the program for about 60 Days and lost a total of 25lbs! I still had a way to go, so after that, I did the Chalean Extreme/TurboFire Hybrid.

My family thought I was crazy for doing the program. After all, I weighed over 300lbs when I first put the DVDs in and pressed play.

But I didn't listen. I believed in myself and Chalene believed in me and that's all that mattered. I remember feeling for the first time in my life that I felt as if the weight could come off. I let my results I wanted to achieve and didn't look back. And today, I'm glad I did because today, I've lost a total of 200lbs. 

I didn't start out very well. In fact, I had to play the DVDs a few time just to convince myself I could do the program. I had a lot of negative self talk back then. I let myself believe the myth that I was too heavy to lift weights. But that wasn't true. There I was, lifting weights at over 300lbs. Sure, they weren't the heaviest of weights but they didn't have to be.

And I stuck to my nutrition. A typical day would include (yep, did shakeo twice somedays!):

Breakfast: Chocolate Shakeology with banana

Snack: Greek Yogurt with berries and cinnamon

Lunch: Chicken Breast and Salad

Snack: 25 grapes, 1 oz nuts

Dinner: Lemon Pepper Chicken Breast, Roasted Veggies, Sweet Potato

Snack: Reeses Shakeology or Fruit

It was nice joining a Challenge Group and being around others who had the same goals. Even though we were doing different programs, it felt like I had gym buddies regardless.

From my highest weight, I had gone from a size 6X to a 2X. I remember that pink shirt like it was yesterday. But what I gained even more: my confidence. I believed I could do anything so what did I try next? TurboFire. Results to come soon!

Interested in joining my next Challenge? Fill out the form below!

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