Monday, February 9, 2015

My 3 Week Body Beast Results

It's Monday again!! Who is excited?!?!

I know a lot of people HATE Mondays, but remember - it's another day you are ALIVE!! Remember to celebrate every day that you are alive - it is a blessing and something a lot of people take for granted. So tell your loved ones that you love them, cuddle your fur babies/ real babies, and do something AMAZING today because you CAN!!

This week I stayed SUPER busy. I don't know if you're like me but I have 2 jobs, go to school, and have a life, or try to, outside of all of that. So time management for me is key to success. I held a 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge Group this past week and it went well. If you missed it and would like to sign up for my next one, I do one each month, so CLICK HERE  to sign up for the next one!! And if you were one of the lucky ones that got to join, what was one thing that you learned?

3 Weeks goes by so fast! I feel like I just started this program but here I am, finished with the first block of the program!! I struggled a bit with time management this week as I mentioned before. I usually schedule in my workout times like an appointment so I don't miss it. I also had 20 assignments due for school this week so perhaps that was the issue. I still managed to get my workouts in but boy am I tired!! I feel like I lacked on sleep this week which is bad for weight loss/maintenance. Sleep is just as important as nutrition. When we don't get enough sleep, we don't have the energy we need to for the day and it can actually make us gain weight. Cravings kick in and our bodies become stressed - holding on to hormones that also make us gain weight. Overall, lack of sleep is a big weight loss fiasco! So my goal for this week is to get more sleep!! What are yours? I also am working on getting more recipes

So now I'll get to what you probably came here for...the results!!

When I first started this program, I thought I'd maybe gain 1 or 2 pounds of muscle at the most. But to my surprise, I ended up gaining 5 lbs of pure muscle!!! Wow!!

I couldn't believe my results!! I'm telling you - these programs WORK!! Even with my extra skin from excess weight loss, I saw definition start to show in my shoulders.

If you want to see daily posts on my fitness routines, be sure to check out and like my page on Facebook:

My husband also recently started his journey with fitness. He had gained a few pounds over the holiday season and wasn't happy so I helped him get on track with his food and he then decided to give P90X3 a try. He is having such good results I can't help but share with you guys!! He ended up sticking with clean eating, Shakeology, and doing the workouts and lost 4 inches in the first week. That's crazy!! I'm so proud of him for sticking to it. He's a busy guy so time is critical for him as well. Hopefully one day he will let me share his before and after photos with you guys!!

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