Sunday, February 15, 2015

Tim's Chocolate Banana Shakeology

One of my goals for this year was to have healthy eating a family affair and not just my own. I don't know about your families but my husband does NOT enjoy "healthy eating" - or so he used to say. 

Before I got healthy, we often would frequent fast food and restaurants more than daily, I'm afraid to admit, especially In-and-Out Burger, which is still a weakness of mine to this day!

 Somehow -I'm still not sure how other than luck -  I convinced him to give clean eating a try. (And don't tell him I told you but he is actually quite the picky eater!) He had been wanting to eat healthier for awhile now and I asked him "why don't you try clean eating for a week and see how you like it?" He hesitantly agreed.

I helped plan his meals for a week and he seemed to enjoy it. I even heard a "this isn't so bad" at one time! So then I asked if he would try Shakeology.

He is familiar with what Shakeology is as he had done P90X in the past but never actually tried Shakeology. He was afraid he wouldn't like it and didn't want to "waste" money on it (even though before we were spending ~$60 a day at burger king and mcdonalds lol). So I offered one of my samples to him to see if he would like it or not. He said he "guessed" he could give it a try.

Not only did he end up liking it but he came up with his own go-to daily Shakeology recipe that I'd like to share with all of you today. It's very easy to do and tastes great! I hope you all enjoy it as much as we do. Chocolate Shakeology is now a staple in our home.

Tim's Chocolate Banana Shakeology

1 Scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 Large Banana
12 oz. Coconut Milk

1. Blend ingredients until smooth.

1 Red
1 Yellow
2 Purple

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