Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 1 Week 1 of Body Beast - Bulk!

Day 1 : Build: Chest/Tris

Today I started another chapter in my journey: Body Beast. I may be at my goal weight but I still felt like I was missing something: muscle. I especially noticed my lack of muscle ever since my hospitalization last summer, when I had to have major surgery and a three week hospital stay. I just wasn't myself when I came home from that. I tried little things here and there to build muscle but it just didn't seem to work. I knew I needed a program, so what did I do? I ordered Body Beast!

There are two options for this program: Lean and Bulk. Since I was already at goal and wanted to actually focus on GAINING muscle mass, I went with the Bulk Program.

Like my other Beachbody programs, I set up the poster in my home office to help keep me on track:

Another thing I did was meal planning. I'm a very busy person. I work full time on a swing shift, go to school, and also am a Coach in addition to having a life. So I don't usually have time to cook. That is why I decided to set aside a few hours a day each week and cook ALL of my meals for the week. Lots of tupperware later, I had a fridge packed full of foods, not just for me but for my family, too. I don't get to see my husband except on the weekends because he works morning shifts. By the time I get home, he is sound asleep.

Clean eating isn't as hard as you might think. In fact, I offer Clean Eating Challenge Groups all the time, that comes with meal planning, recipes, grocery lists, and more to take the guess work out of eating right. If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, fill out an application for my Challenge Groups using this link and scrolling to the bottom of the page:Challenge Group Application

Before Shots

With every new program comes the before shots. Yes, even I dread these, even after losing close  to 200lbs!

Now, when I look at these photos, I feel weak and scrawny but I know I have to stop thinking like that because that is negative self talk. And if I want to succeed at my goals, I have to start thinking positive again. We all have to start somewhere, even if it is restarting somewhere. This is a LIFESTYLE change, not just a one-time deal. Sometimes we have to restart our journey because life throws us a curve ball. So this is my round 2! 

And, I also have to remember where I came from. I was very sick when I first started my journey and THANK GOD I am not that sick anymore! I am blessed when I think back at how far I really have come.

The Workout

Now, I'll admit I'm pretty out of shape. I was expecting to get my butt HANDED to me, but I didn't expect HOW MUCH it really was! LOL.

The workout was a lot of chest and triceps moves. Since I didn't have a bench, I used a stability ball, which also ended up workout out my abs. Talk about a FULL BODY WORKOUT!! After the workout was finished, my arms were shaking SO BAD that I could barely send a text! 

The workouts were a lot of versions of chest presses, shoulder flies, tricep extensions, chair dips (which I failed at!). But hey, everyone has to start somewhere, right? I am striving for progress, not perfection! And there were even these fancy half shoulder flies that were VERY INTENSE!! And just when you thought you were spent, guess what?? TIME TO LIFT HEAVIER!!

I wasn't sure I'd actually like this program or not. It's actually mainly marketed towards men. And I know a lot of people out there are under the impression that women can't lift or that if they lift they will look like a dude. That is completely WRONG!! Women can look STRONG and be SEXY, too!! I hope once I am done, I will be evidence of that as well. 

After completing Day 1 of this program, I have to say that I am IN LOVE!! I've done many strength training programs before, but none that ever pushed me like this one did. Just when I didn't think I could lift any heavier, I pushed through and DID!! My arms may be shaking now but I know that's because the program is WORKING!! If you want something bad enough, you have to work for it and I am SO READY!!

The Numbers

I have a special scale that weighs more than just pounds, which I totally recommend to anyone who is determined on torturing themselves by stepping on the scale each day or week. A tape measurer and camera are the best tools for measuring success, in my opinion.

But these were my starting numbers today:

Weight: 131.2
Fat%: 26.9
Muscle: 91.2

The numbers were a little depressing. A few weeks ago I had better numbers. But I have to remember that the scale doesn't measure everything, it is just a number. And, after the way my body feels today, I KNOW I am building muscle if I stick to the eating plan. So, here is hoping for a stronger, sexier, new me!

All in all, I'd say today was a VERY successful day!! Did you workout? I'd love to hear from you :)


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