Monday, February 9, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme - Day 1

Omg it's finally here!!

If you're wondering why I'm not posting about Body Beast, I've decided to put that on hold for a little while and try something different: the 21 Day Fix Extreme. All my friends were posting about it coming out and I have to admit - I was curious. So I looked into it and it was 30 minute a day workouts - just like the normal 21 Day Fix - only the workouts and eating plan are a bit more extreme. Being a fan of extreme workouts, I knew I just had to try it.

Here is the video on the program: CLICK HERE

Today is technically preseason of my 21 Day Fix Extreme Exclusive Test Group (actual workouts are due to begin on the 16th) but I decided "hey, why not start today?"

As I mentioned before, the nutrition plan is a bit different. For one, there are NO CHEATS!! There is also a second optional eating plan called "Countdown to Competition" that is for those looking for even more extreme results. I had a look at it, and it seems to be really low carb, in that there is no bread, etc. and most of the meals are fish and vegetables - even the snacks! I think I will wait on that for now as I like food too much haha.

Here is the workout schedule for the 21 Day Fix Extreme:

Monday: PLYO fix extreme
Tuesday: Upper Fix Extreme
Wednesday: Pilates Fix Extreme
Thursday: Lower Fix Extreme
Friday: Cardio Fix Extreme
Saturday: Dirty 30 Extreme
Sunday: Yoga Fix Extreme

Look at that -NO REST DAY! This is a new concept for me. I've done extreme programs before like P90X, etc. and those all had rest day and double schedules. Not THIS program. This program has NO DOUBLES SCHEDULE because it would be too taxing on the muscles. I was still skeptical...until I tried the workout today and O-M-G my legs were jello!! Where did they go?!?! I had to pause the video a couple of times but I MADE IT!!! Within the first 5 minutes, I was dripping with sweat - something I can't say I've had happen with other workouts I've tried. Not even the gym or other extreme workouts pushed me to the limits that this program did. I could barely walk afterwards!!

I will post my meal plan at the end of the week to give you guys an idea of what I ate. I'm trying to get my husband to do this next after he finishes P90X3 but he is still not sure. So hopefully my results will help motivate him. I know I am going to have great results in this program, even though it is only Day 1. And I am actually EXCITED to get up and do it again tomorrow, even though it absolutely killed my body today. But that is the beauty of a fitness journey. Sure, some days you have to modify some moves and you feel like you got hit by a truck but soon what is hard for you today will be your warmup the next - your new normal. And I don't know about you but I CAN'T WAIT for that day!

There are still a few spots left in my 21 Day Fix Extreme Test Group that starts on the 16th so fill out the application at the bottom of the page to reserve your spot! It's not too late!!

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