Healthy Breakfast Burrito

Servings: 1
Preparation Time: 10 minutes

1 Scrambled Egg or Egg Substitute or Tofu
1 6-inch Whole Grain Tortilla
2 Tbsp Black Beans, Canned
2 Tbsp Cheddar Cheese (Low Fat or Soy)
2 Tbsp Chopped Tomato
2 Tbsp Chopped Onion
Hot sauce to taste (optional)
Salsa (optional substitute to tomatoes and onions)

Directions (microwave):
1. Microwave scrambled egg/ egg substitute until cooked.
2. Spread out cooked tortilla on a dinner plate or cutting board. Spread cooked egg in the middle of one half of the tortilla.
3. Heat beans in microwave. (Note: don't heat too much or they could explode)
4. Sprinkle cheese on eggs.
5. Add beans, tomatoes, and onions to top of eggs. (Optional: add salsa and hot sauce)
6. Fold tortilla. (Fold in half over ingredients and then the two sides)

Nutritional Information:
Calories: 304
Fat: 10g
Carbs: 35g
Fiber: 6g
Protein: 20g

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