Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Beauty and the Beast Workout - TurboFire/Body Beast Hybrid!

Last week I decided to do something different. My husband decided he wanted to do the Body Beast program and I'll admit it - so did I! I love programs that really challenge my body to become stronger and focused on things like strength training or moves I'd never thought about trying before with my body, etc., and when I tried it before I really loved the program. But I was concerned if it would prepare me or not with what I wanted to accomplish this summer - climbing a mountain. 

A few weeks ago I went just on a hike and felt like I was dying so I was mainly focusing on cardio after that point. But that got boring after awhile and I moved onto something different - doing 2 programs at once! Silly me! I shortly learned that overdoing it wasn't doing me any good either!

Then, my husband mentioned Body Beast and said, "why don't you do it, too?" I at first shrugged it off and said, "I need something more total body" but then remembered that there was a program for that as well: the lean schedule. So I did some more research and decided I'd give it a try. But at the same time it made me sad because I had just started TurboFire back up and didn't want to give that up quite yet. Then, my Beauty and the Beast Hybrid Workout Schedule was born! I hope you enjoy it as much as I am enjoying it now! I am in week 2 and LOVING It!

Block 1 - Build
3 Weeks: 6 Days on, 1 Day Off

Week 1
Day 1 = Build: Chest/Tris
Day 2 = Build: Legs
Day 3 = Build: Back/Bis
Day 4 = TurboFire: Fire 30 Class; Beast: Abs
Day 5 = Build: Shoulders
Day 6 =  REST
Day 7 = Build: Chest/Tris 

Week 2
Day 1 = Build: Legs
Day 2 =Build: Back/Bis
Day 3 =TurboFire: Fire 45 EZ Class; Beast: Abs
Day 4 = Build: Shoulders
Day 5 = REST
Day 6 =  Build: Chest/Tris
Day 7 = Build: Legs

Week 3
Day 1 = Build: Back/Bis
Day 2 =TurboFire: Fire 55 EZ Class; Beast Abs
Day 3 = Build: Shoulders
Day 4 = REST
Day 5 = Build: Chest/Tris
Day 6 =  Build: Legs
Day 7 = Build: Back/Bis

Block 2 - Bulk
5 weeks; 6 days on, 1 day off

Week 1
Day 1 = Bulk: Chest
Day 2 =Bulk: Legs
Day 3 = Bulk: Arms
Day 4 = TurboFire: HIIT 15; Beast Abs
Day 5 = Bulk: Back
Day 6 =  Bulk: Shoulders
Day 7 = REST

Week 2
Day 1 = Bulk: Chest
Day 2 =Bulk: Legs
Day 3 = Bulk: Arms
Day 4 = TurboFire: HIIT 20; Beast Abs
Day 5 = Bulk: Back
Day 6 =  Bulk: Shoulders
Day 7 = REST

Week 3
Day 1 = Bulk: Chest
Day 2 =Bulk: Legs
Day 3 = Bulk: Arms
Day 4 = TurboFire: HIIT 25; Beast Abs
Day 5 = Bulk: Back
Day 6 =  Bulk: Shoulders
Day 7 = REST

Week 4
Day 1 = Bulk: Chest
Day 2 =Bulk: Legs
Day 3 = Bulk: Arms
Day 4 = TurboFire: HIIT 30; Beast Abs
Day 5 = Bulk: Back
Day 6 =  Bulk: Shoulders
Day 7 = REST

Week 5
Day 1 = Bulk: Chest
Day 2 =Bulk: Legs
Day 3 = Bulk: Arms
Day 4 = TurboFire: HIIT 15; Beast Abs
Day 5 = Bulk: Back
Day 6 =  Bulk: Shoulders
Day 7 = REST

Block 3: Beast
4 Weeks; 6 days on, 1 day off

Week 1
Day 1 = Build: Chest/Tris
Day 2 =Bulk: Legs
Day 3 = Build: Back/Bis
Day 4 = TurboFire: HIIT 30; Beast Abs
Day 5 = Build: Shoulders
Day 6 =  REST
Day 7 = Beast: Total Body; Beast Abs

Week 2
Day 1 = Bulk: Chest
Day 2 =Build: Legs
Day 3 = Bulk: Shoulders
Day 4 = Bulk: Back
Day 5 = Bulk: Arms
Day 6 =  TurboFire: HIIT 25; Beast Abs
Day 7 = REST

Week 3
Day 1 = Build: Chest/Tris
Day 2 =Bulk: Legs
Day 3 = Build: Back/Bis
Day 4 = TurboFire: HIIT 20; Beast Abs
Day 5 = Build: shoulders
Day 6 =  REST
Day 7 = Beast: Total Body; Beast Abs

Week 4
Day 1 = Bulk: Chest
Day 2 =Build: Legs
Day 3 = Bulk: Shoulders
Day 4 = Bulk: Back
Day 5 = Bulk: Arms
Day 6 =  TurboFire: HIIT 15; Beast Abs
Day 7 = REST

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Mocha Shakeology Recipe

I have a confession to make...I am a HUGE stress eater. And this week is the first week back to school. So on top of a full time job, life, commitments, etc., I am taking classes full time. Needless to say, you could say I am stressed. And when I'm stressed, I eat bad food and lots of it. Pile on that a lack of sleep and you have a BAD combination!

So what do I do about it? I find healthy alternatives to bad choices....and try my best to get to bed on time! But you know, it is easier said than done, am I right?

I know I'm not alone but I'm also a coffee LOVER when it comes to times like these. And unfortunately that usually entails a trip to Starbucks. I love their fraps and mochas, just like the next person BUT I was determined to stay on track with my eating so I had to come up with a healthier alternative! 

I love this coffee recipe because with Shakeology, it turns iced coffee into a SUPERFOOD! So I can get my caffeine fix and have one of the healthiest meals of the day! What more could a girl ask for?

So today, I was studying a new topic in my classes: ICD-10-PCS...which looks rather strange compared to ICD-9! My brain was struggling and I definitely felt the need for a caffeine fix. So instead of going to Starbucks and blowing my results, I decided to make up my Mocha Shakeology recipe. Unfortunately I didn't have any ice in my freezer so I went without and just added a tiny bit of water instead. As you can tell by my works!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Italian Chicken Wings Recipe - Kid Approved!

This is my go-to chicken wing lately. It is super easy to make and my husband licks the bones clean! I hope you enjoy it as well as my family does. 

1 pkg Chicken Party Wings
Herbs de Provence
Garlic Salt

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
2. Spread chicken wings evenly on baking sheet. 
3. Sprinkle garlic salt and herbs de provence to taste on both sides.
4. Place wings in oven for 20 minutes.
5. Flip and continue cooking for another 20 minutes.
6. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

My Round 1 Chalene Extreme / TurboFire Hybrid Results!!

While doing a round of Chalene Extreme, I ended up trying one of the bonus workouts that came with it: TurboJam. It was SUPER fun and didn't feel like working out at all. Normally, I HATE cardio, but this seemed like something I could do. So, I did some research and found TurboFire, a bit more challenging than TurboJam but with the same trainer and similar workout style. I knew I had to give it a try. After receiving it in the mail, I went through the program and saw there was an option to try a hybrid program with Chalene Extreme. Since I still wanted to tone up as well as lose weight, I decided to give it a try. My results are posted below. I did one round of the Hybrid program.

Highest Weight: 320

Starting Weight (on this round): 244
Ending Weight : 214
Total Lost This Round: 30lbs

I followed the schedule  provided in the program but there are also schedules posted on Beachbody's website. Here is the link you can follow if you'd like to print it:

 It was really fun and I will probably do it again in the future. I liked how it alternated between muscle building and cardio. Chalene is so inspiring. She really inspired and motivated me to keep going when I felt like quitting. TurboFire is one of the most intense programs I have ever done. Just when you think you can't go any more, she says, "guess what? You're not tired!" and for some odd reason, you push forward.

Have you done it? What did you think?

If you'd like to join my next Challenge, feel free to fill out the form below:
Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

My Round 1 Chalene Extreme Results

I was cleaning out my computer the other day and low and behold...what did I find? My old diaries and photos from when I tried my first BeachBody Program, Chalene Extreme.

When I bought the program, I tried the different workouts out but didn't actually start the program until February 18th of 2013, a few months later.

I did the program for about 60 Days and lost a total of 25lbs! I still had a way to go, so after that, I did the Chalean Extreme/TurboFire Hybrid.

My family thought I was crazy for doing the program. After all, I weighed over 300lbs when I first put the DVDs in and pressed play.

But I didn't listen. I believed in myself and Chalene believed in me and that's all that mattered. I remember feeling for the first time in my life that I felt as if the weight could come off. I let my results I wanted to achieve and didn't look back. And today, I'm glad I did because today, I've lost a total of 200lbs. 

I didn't start out very well. In fact, I had to play the DVDs a few time just to convince myself I could do the program. I had a lot of negative self talk back then. I let myself believe the myth that I was too heavy to lift weights. But that wasn't true. There I was, lifting weights at over 300lbs. Sure, they weren't the heaviest of weights but they didn't have to be.

And I stuck to my nutrition. A typical day would include (yep, did shakeo twice somedays!):

Breakfast: Chocolate Shakeology with banana

Snack: Greek Yogurt with berries and cinnamon

Lunch: Chicken Breast and Salad

Snack: 25 grapes, 1 oz nuts

Dinner: Lemon Pepper Chicken Breast, Roasted Veggies, Sweet Potato

Snack: Reeses Shakeology or Fruit

It was nice joining a Challenge Group and being around others who had the same goals. Even though we were doing different programs, it felt like I had gym buddies regardless.

From my highest weight, I had gone from a size 6X to a 2X. I remember that pink shirt like it was yesterday. But what I gained even more: my confidence. I believed I could do anything so what did I try next? TurboFire. Results to come soon!

Interested in joining my next Challenge? Fill out the form below!

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

5 Day Sneak Peek into Beachbody Coaching

Are you living the life you’ve always wanted? Can you honestly say you are living free and happy? Oftentimes we say things like, “I just don’t have the time,” “maybe things will get better next year,” “I have to put my family first,” or “if it was only that easy.”

 But I’m here to say it IS – reaching happiness and living the life you’ve always wanted IS possible. Before becoming a Coach, I weighed 320lbs and my weight was killing me. Not only that but I had piles of debt, felt lonely, struggled with depression on a daily basis, was stuck in a job I hated, never seeing my family, and wondered if we’d make it to the next month. The bills just seemed to keep coming with no end in sight. But I decided to give ChaLEAN Extreme and TurboFire a try and lost 200lbs, getting rid of all my illnesses.

Now, I can truly say I AM living free. As a coach, I can make my own hours, meet new friends everyday, am in the best shape of my life, and get to help others achieve their health and fitness goals – showing them they are living the life they only once dreamed of. It helped me not only get my life back but enabled me to say I live free in all aspects of my life. So why continue putting YOUR dreams on the backburner?

On Monday, my Team is holding a 5 Day Sneak Peek into coaching so you can see exactly what I do as a Coach, how I earn an income, and I will answer all of your questions so you can see if this is for YOU!

If you love helping people, health and fitness, want a little extra cash for vacations, or want to be your own boss, work from home, part-time or full-time, without a dress code, on your own schedule, is motivated, driven and can dream big, this might be for you!

Fill out the application below if you're interested or e-mail me at!

Fill out my online form.
HTML Forms powered by Wufoo.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

PiYO - On Sale April 2015

What is PiYo?

PiYo is a low-impact, high intensity body-transformation program. It uses the most effective Pilates- and yoga-inspired moves set to a fast pace to help you burn fat while you sculpt long, lean muscles.

You'll carve every inch of your body without jumps, without weights, and without straining your joints. And rest assured, there's no complex choreography to learn. Chalene Johnson takes you step-by-step through the moves where you'll use your body weight to lose weight and get intensely defined! You get your strength, your cardio, and your flexibility training all in one program.

Why is PiYo effective?

PiYo delivers the muscle-sculpting, core-focused benefits of Pilates along with the flexibility and power of yoga. PiYp's low-impact compound exercises engage multiple muscle groups at the same time - while keeping your body in constant motion. As you progress from one fluid movement to the next without rest, you'll maintain an optimal heart rate to incinerate calories throughout the whole workout!The result? You get a low-impact, high-intensity, total-body workout, giving you a physique that's long, lean, and powerfully defined.

Who is PiYo For?

  • Women and men who want to lose weight - PiYo's high-intensity compound exercises engage multiple muscles at once, while keeping them in constant motion so your heart rate remains in the optimal range to burn calories through the workout.
  • People who want to build lean muscle without bulk - You'll use your body weight as your primary source of resistance - loading multiple muscle groups at once to perform functional, everyday movements. This will help you sculpt long, lean muscles without building bulk.
  • Fitness Beginners - There's no complicated choreography to learn. And, you can follow the modified moves as you build your strength and stamina.
  • Extreme Fitness Enthusiasts - PiYo's pace of continuous movement, nonstop transitions, and carefully selected, powerful athletic moves allow you to burn calories at a high rate. So, if you like extreme programs, you can get the same type of results from PiYo while you give your joints a break. Plus, you can restore your flexibility and core strength, which can improve performance in other sports.
  • People who like the benefits of Pilates and yoga, but feel these programs lack the cardio they need to burn calories and fat - PiYo helps you develop the muscle endurance and core strength from Pilates and the power, flexibility, and balance of yoga with flowing movements using your body weight. And because PiYo speeds everything up with constant motion and nonstop flows, you'll get your cardio and burn calories at a much higher rate.
  • People who want to get the results of an extreme program without jumps, weights, or straining their joints - PiYo will help you get your body ultra-lean and intensely defined. And, it's actually restorative to your body. You won't have to lift heavy weights or perform jumps that are tough on your joints. Instead, while you burn calories and sculpt lean muscle, you'll also enhance your flexibility, core strength, and ability to perform everyday, functional movements.
  • People who want a workout that doesn't require a lot of equipment - No equipment is required but a yoga mat is recommended.

How is PiYo DIFFERENT From Traditional Pilates and Yoga?

Traditional Pilates or yoga programs don't provide the fast weight loss PiYo provides with its dynamic flowing sequences that burn calories and elevate your metabolic rate to burn more fat. So people who do traditional Pilates and yoga have to spend extra time - and extra money - to supplement their routine with extra cardio to burn calories and fat. But with PiYo there's no need, because PiYo puts it all together so you can sculpt your body, scorch calories, and improve your flexibility - all at the same time! It's your one-stop shop to a full-body transformation.

What Do I Get?

8 Workouts on 3 DVDs:
  • Align- The Fundamentals - This workout breaks down the most important and effective moves in the program to help you perfect your form and get the best results possible.
  • Define: Upper Body - Use this incredibly effective workout to start chiseling away at your upper body to help shape your arms, carve out your triceps, and define sexy shoulders.
  • Define: Lower Body - Get your sleekest and leanest legs ever as you lengthen and strengthen your entire lower body - from your glutes and hamstrings to your calves.
  • Sweat - A traditional PiYo workout that incorporates effective dynamic conditioning, fast-paced cardio yoga-flows, and bodyweight resistance strength training to help sculpt your entire body.
  • Core - This ab-centric workout hits your powerhouse from every angle to build a strong core, flat, sculpted abs and obliques, as well as a strong and sexy back.
  • Strength Intervals - 25 minutes is all you need of this nonstop body-carving, calorie-incinerating workout that uses no weights, no equipment, and gives you no bulk!
  • Drench - This endurance workout maximizes fat burning while it works every muscle in your body. It will not only leave you drenched - it will kick-start your metabolism as you scorch away the fat.
  • Sculpt - This workout uses varying tempos to keep your muscles under tension for different periods of time. This generates muscular endurance and metabolic changes that will totally transform your figure.
Quick Start Guide
  • Everything you need to know to get started including valuable insider tips to get your best results possible! Plus, discover how each powerful workout is strategically designed to transform your body.
PiYo 60-Day Workout Calendar
  • Chalene arranged the workouts to make sure you're progressing each week as you build up your strength, flexibility, and stamina.
4 FREE Gifts
  • Get Lean Eating Plan -  A simplified approach to clean and lean eating designed to fit your lifestyle and your taste buds! Learn how to eat a variety of delicious, nutritious foods that keep you properly fueled, satiated and nourished - and help you define your best body.
  • Tape Measure
  • Buns DVD - Focused on the glutes, this workout is designed to lift, redefine, and tighten the entire backside of your body for the perfect tight and round butt.
  • 24/7 Online Support - Get motivated anytime of day with access to proven fitness, nutrition, and motivation tips. You'll even get exclusive invitations to live video chats with Chalene Johnson. You'll find unlimited peer support here, and you can even join my next PiYo Challenge Group.

How Long Are the Workouts?

25-45 minutes, averaging about 30 minutes.

How Many Days a Week is the Program?

6 Days a week for 60 Days

What Do I Need?

No equipment is required but a yoga mat, towel, and water are recommended. 

Do You Have to be in GREAT Shape to do PiYo?

No. PiYo can be done with all ages, fitness levels, and body types. 

Do I Need to Be Familiar With Yoga or Pilates?

No. Chalene will walk you through everything you need to know in Align: The Fundamentals. 

Is There a Modifier?

Yes, in every workout.

What Do you Need to Be Successful with PiYo?

Just YOU! You can grab a yoga mat, water, and towel, with space wide enough to take a step in each direction. The PiYo 60-Day Calendar comes with the program and strategically lays out your workout schedule to keep you progressing each week as you build your strength, flexibility, and stamina. The Get Lean Eating Plan gives you a simplified approach to clean and lean eating designed to fit your lifestyle.

How Does PiYo Deliver High-Intensity Results with Low-Impact Moves?

PiYo takes you through low-impact stretching, strengthening, and bodyweight resistance-based exercises that promote lean muscle development. But, the fast, flowing pace increases the intensity so you're not just sculpting and defining every muscle - you're burning major calories and fat!

Who is Chalene Johnson?

A New York Times best-selling author, Chalene is a devoted mother of two. With 20 years of experience as one of the most popular fitness instructors in the nation, Chalene has learned that a class setting encourages the excitement and energy you need to get the most out of your workout. Now she's bringing that same experience to your home. Her Turbo classes in Southern California have people making a reservation or stand in line for an hour.

Chalene Johnson has revolutionized the fitness industry by turning her lifelong love of health and fitness into exciting, challenging workouts that scorch calories and burn fat. Her efficient, results-driven workouts and ability to inspire students to reach their fitness goals has made her Beachbody programs, including TurboFire, TurboJam, and ChaLEAN Extreme, some of the most popular in-home exercise programs in history. Her live fitness classes - Turbo Kick, hip hop HUSTLE, and PiYo- are featured in thousands of health clubs all around the world. In addition to being a hands-on mother of two, Chalene is a highly sought-after motivational speaker on subjects ranging from start-up business to time management.

She originally created the PiYo class because she wanted a workout that would provide hardcore results  - without destroying your body. Chalene loved the benefits of yoga and Pilates but got bored with the sitting still in yoga and the repetitive motion in Pilates. Plus, she wanted to move and burn crazy calories! PiYo gives you the best of both worlds and more. Now, with the PiYo home fitness program, she's making this popular class available to you at home!

What Will I Eat?

PiYo follows what is called the GET LEAN EATING PLAN. Like all Beachbody meal plans, it follows clean eating. Mathematically speaking, it follows a 40% carbs, 35% protein, 25% fat lifestyle. Unlike programs like the 21 Day Fix, the PiYo diet counts calories.

The first step is calculating how many calories YOU need:

Then, you'll match your number with the correct meal plan:

You may be thinking: what in the world is a primary vegetable? This is just a term that the plan uses to classify its food groups to give a general calorie calculation. For example, it estimates that one serving of a primary vegetable equals 45 calories.

I also provide some excel sheets to my challengers, specifically tailored to PiYo, that you can use to track your food, if you don't like using apps like MyFitnessPal.

And just to give you an idea of what the PiYo diet looks like, here's a sample day in the life meal plan for someone on Plan B:

Breakfast: Egg Fritatta, Sliced Strawberries (1 Lean Protein, 1 Fresh Fruit)

Snack: Hard Boiled Egg , Celery with PB (1 Lean Protein, 1 Primary Vegetables, 1 Healthy Fat)

Lunch: Chicken Stir Fry (1 Lean Protein, 1 Primary Vegetable, 1 Secondary Vegetable & Grains, 1 Healthy Fat)

Snack: Salad (2 Primary Vegetable, 2 Healthy Fat)

Dinner: Lemon Roasted Salmon, Brown Rice, Steamed Veggies (1 Lean Protein, 1 Secondary Vegetables & Grains, 1 Primary Vegetable)

Snack: Shakeology, 1/2 Sliced Banana(1 Lean Protein, 1 Fresh Fruit)

What's Available?

**Best Deal** - PiYo KickStart & Shakeology Challenge Pack - $180 (regularly $205)

  • PiYo Challenge Pack
  • 3-Day Refresh

** Second Best Deal**This Month (April 2015) the PiYo Challenge Pack is on sale for $140 (Normally $160)! 
What this means: You get:

  •  Your first 30 Day Supply of Shakeology - the superfood protein shake that helps give you energy, reduce cravings, and accelerate your fitness results - delivered on Home Direct, the monthly autoship program with super discount shipping (over $12) each month
  • 8 PiYo workouts, tools for success, and 4 free gifts
  • FREE 30-Day VIP Trial Membership to the Team Beachbody Club, now with Beachbody On Demand, where you can stream PiYo whenever and wherever you want and find the support you'll need

Base Package - $59.85 ($53.87 for Club Members).

  • 8 workouts
  • Quick Start Guide
  • PiYo 60-Day Workout Calendar
  • Get Lean Eating Plan
  • Buns (25 min)
  • Tape Measure
  • 24/7 Online Support
  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

PiYo Deluxe DVD Package - $119.70 
  • 8 workouts
  • Quick Start Guide
  • PiYo 60-Day Workout Calendar
  • Get Lean Eating Plan
  • Buns (25 min)
  • Tape Measure
  • 24/7 Online Support
  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Full Body Blast (30 min) - A total-body workout that uses the Beachbody Strength Slides to push your fat-burning potential into overdrive in just 30 minutes
  • Strong Legs (30 min) - Use the Beachbody Strength Slides to lunge, squat, and stretch your way to amazing quads, glutes, and hamstrings for your strongest, leanest, and most defined legs ever
  • Accelerated Calendar
  • Beachbody Strength Slides with Booties
  • Yoga Mat

PiYo Strength DVD Upgrade Package - $59.85 ($53.87 for Club Members)

  • Full Body Blast DVD
  • Strong Legs DVD
  • Beachbody Strength Slides with Booties
  • Yoga Mat
  • 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

PiYo Strength Workouts - $29.85

  • Full Body Blast DVD
  • Strong Legs DVD
  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

PiYo Hard Core on the Floor DVD - $19.95

  • Hard Core on the Floor DVD - 30 minute workout specifically designed to tighten and strengthen every muscle throughout your core - without getting up off the floor.
Beachbody Strength Slides + Booties (Set of 2) - $29.95

Yoga Mat - $29.95

My next Challenge Group is coming up on April 13th - so there's still time to join if you're thinking about trying out PiYo! I also hold new ones every month, so fill out the form below if you're interested. You don't need a program to start - set up a time for a FREE consultation for us to discuss YOUR goals.

Fill out my online form.
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