Monday, March 30, 2015

Challenge Group Starting Preseason April 13!

A little over 2 years ago I was over 300lbs. I was very sick because of my weight - had diabetes, congestive heart failure, etc, and it was even putting a strain on my marriage. My doctors didn't think I’d make it to 30. I had been overweight my entire life but it seemed to bloom after I lost my parents to cancer. I was missing out on life and I didn’t have much going for me but I had determination - and I was determined to loose weight. I started off slow, walking at first but then I realized I needed something more. I decided to give TurboFire a try and I joined my first challenge group, where I received support, motivation, help with clean eating, and found a group of others just like me. It wasn’t easy. I wanted to quit more times than I can count. But just when I wanted to quit and turn off the DVD, Chalene, the trainer, would come on and say things like, “you’re not tired,”and how she believed in me and wanted me to push harder, so I did. I’m so glad I didn’t give up because today I’ve lost 200lbs. I truly am living free now; I’m not tied down by all the health issues that once ailed me. I not only “found the new me” physically but also mentally – I’ve discovered my passion, which is helping others. So now I am a health and fitness coach, where I run FREE private challenge groups, help with meal plans and grocery lists for my challengers, helping them reach their goals. And, I'm forming my list for next month's challenge group - are YOU in???? 

 Feel free to fill out the form below if you're interested . You don't need to already own a program - I can help you choose one based on your goals. So let's chat! Start your journey to the new YOU and come do it with the support of others like you!
Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Reese's Shakeology Recipe

I don't know about you but those dang peanut butter cups call to me every season and this season its those peanut butter eggs for Easter. So, I had to come up with a healthy alternative to stay on track. I tried this out last night and it was SUPER delish!! And the best part is it fixed my cravings ...for the moment anyways haha. counts as a full day's worth of fruits and veggies yet tastes like a dessert!

 If you haven't tried this, you're missing out! Shakeology is a superfoods packed protein shake that comes in both vegan and non-vegan flavors. Message me for more information if you'd like to try some and join my next challenge.  Starting in April I will be hosting a 30 Day Clean Eating Easter Detox Group. Fill out the form below if you're interested :)

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Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Beachbody On Demand - NEW/ON SALE THIS MARCH 2015!!

New this month to Beachbody is something you might have heard of called Beachbody On Demand. You might be wondering what exactly is it? How do I get it? Is it for new customers? Well, I'm here to answer those questions and more!

What is Beachbody On Demand?

Beachbody on Demand let's you stream hundreds of the Beachbody workouts, allowing you to take your workouts anywhere - from your home to the gym, on vacation, on your smartphone, etc. You can choose workouts by fitness level, type of exercise, or trainer and then stream them directly on your laptop, desktop, tablet, or mobile device - so long as you have a stable internet connection. New content and workouts are added each month, allowing you to try out a new trainer or get insider access to the latest hot releases. And it is available 24/7!

Does Beachbody On Demand come with the program guides?

Yes! It also comes with workout calendars and nutrition plans that come with the programs.

How Does Beachbody On Demand Work?

Beachbody On Demand can be accessed through the Team Beachbody Club (it's part of your membership). Workouts are available in the Beachbody member Library and digital versions of the program guides and workout calendars are available instantly - no more waiting for it to come in the mail!

Are there other benefits to Club Membership?

Yes! You also get access to personalized meal plans specifically tailored to your goals and nutritional needs, 10% discount on Team Beachbody purchases (includes workouts, apparel, gear, supplements, Shakeology and more!), live monthly chats with your favorite trainers (Shaun T, Tony Horton, Autumn Calabrese, Chalene Johnson, etc), fun interactive message boards, and unique content geared towards helping you reach your goals.

What Programs are Currently Available to Paid Club Members?

As of March 2015, the following are available but new workouts are added monthly:

  • P90X & P90X Deluxe
  • P90X2 & P90X2 Deluxe
  • P90X3 & P90X3 Deluxe
  • P90X ONE on ONE Volume 1
  • TurboFire & Advanced Workouts
  • Brazil Butt Lift & Brazil Butt Lift Deluxe
  • ChaLEAN Extreme
  • 10-Minute Trainer
  • Hip Hop Abs
Also, you get access to "New and Noteworthy" workouts, so you can sample a workout before you buy the DVD program, such as:
  • 21 Day Fix Total Body Cardio Fix
  • 21 Day Fix EXTREME Plyo Fix Extreme
  • PiYo Sweat
  • FOCUS T25 ALPHA Cardio
  • INSANITY MAX: 30 Sweat Intervals
  • Body Beast Build: Chest & Tris
  • P90 Sculpt A
And if you are a Premium Team Beachbody Club member and purchase select DVD programs that are not in the Member Library, you will be able to exclusively stream those programs as well. In Beachbody On Demand, these will be located under "Purchased Programs." and include:
  • Focus T25
  • 21 Day Fix
  • 21 Day Fix Extreme

How Much is Club Membership?

$2.99 per week, billed quarterly for $38.87. But with a challenge pack, you can get a free club membership for the first 30 days!

Who is Beachbody On Demand for?

Anyone! But it is especially helpful for:

  • People who want to take their workouts on-the-go, or don't want to be limited to DVDs
  • People who travel a lot, or want to work out on vacation
  • People looking to maintain their fitness results and try different workouts
  • People who want to try various workouts before purchasing a DVD program
  • People looking for extra support, accountability and friendship

Can I get this if I currently don't own a Beachbody program?

Yes! You can purchase a Club and Shakeology Challenge Pack - which is on sale for the month of March for $140! You'll receive a month's supply of Shakeology, Team Beachbody Club Membership (90 days worth). Also, you'll reserve your spot in my next Challenge Group, where you'll receive help with meal planning, grocery shopping, motivation, accountability, meet others just like you, and more!  If you're ready to move forward or want to join my next group, just fill out the form below.
Fill out my online form.
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Monday, March 23, 2015

Now Accepting Applications!!

It's about that time again! I'm putting together my list for my next 30 Day Coach Apprenticeship. Will YOU be there?

Do you know anyone that wants to work from home and spend more time with their family? OR have the financial freedom to quit their demanding job? Or maybe you want to earn a second income without a second job? Your new life starts now!! We are looking for 20 people that want to get in great shape themselves, and HELP OTHERS get in great shape. If you are already in great shape and want to inspire and help others, I would love to hear from you as well. START living your dream in 2015!

If this is you, fill out the application below to be considered.

For me, coaching has led not only to a life of financial freedom but also the freedom to live and find my purpose in life. Can you say that about YOUR job?

Let me ask you some questions...

-Do you have a job that would support you even if you didn't show up one day?

-Even if you had to take off last minute because of an emergency?

-Even if you just didn't feel like being at your "desk"and working from the beach instead?

-Even if you surpassed your vacation days but wanted to take off because a friend or family member were coming into town? What if your child got sick?

-Are you encouraged to take care of yourself mentally and physically? Is working out a part of your day?

-Are you SURROUNDED by incredible, inspiring people who are changing lives every single day? MOST IMPORTANTLY....DO YOU FEEL FREE?

I can WHOLEHEARTEDLY answer a strong "YES!" to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE. If you cannot, maybe you should start to search for something that allows you to say YES to everything. Yes to freedom, yes to finding your purpose, yes to LIFE, YES to your sick child when they ask if you can stay home with them!!!

If you'd like to learn more or are ready to jump in and give it your all, fill out the form below. Start your new life NOW and live the life you've always wanted!

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Dirty 30 Extreme Review - 21 Day Fix Extreme

21 Day Fix Extreme- the latest program from Beachbody - has to be among my all time favorite workouts and programs. The nutrition program is so simple to follow that I feel like I wasted time counting calories on previous programs I've tried. In a previous post, I mentioned how I lost 7inches in 3 weeks with this program. So...maybe that's why I decided to do another round of this program.

I mean, is there anyone out there that actually likes counting calories? I know I sure don't. It makes eating feel like a mathematical equation and math is NOT my cup of tea. And the beauty of this program is just that: you DON'T count calories but instead count colors - the colors of the portion controlled containers, that is. And, if counting calories wasn't something you liked, then I'm sure measuring your food isn't something you enjoy, either. So guess what - you don't have to do that, either with this program because it's already done for you. You just place your food in the appropriate colored portion control container and that's it!! What's not to love about that?!?!

But if you're a 21 Day Fix graduate, you already know this! And there are a few differences between the Fix Extreme and regular Fix, which I've posted below for you.

But let's get down to the tough part: the workouts. I'm sure for those of you who aren't familiar with this program, that is the biggest question. I know it was for me. I saw the infomercial and read up on it but I wondered what it was the workouts really involved - and most of all....was I in shape enough to do them?

I'm not in the greatest shape. Nor do I have a six pack, chiseled abs, or legs of a warrior. I'm just me. I'm far from perfect, by any supermodel standards. I have a ton of excess skin from massive weight loss . My doctor says I have at least 15lbs of skin just on my abdomen alone, so it makes it extra challenging for me to do a push up or hold a plank. I mean, imagine if you had a 15lb dumbbell attached to your belly - would you still be able to do your workouts flawlessly?

I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining. I'm not. I know I'm not perfect and I'm okay with that. It's better than where I used to be and I gladly accept my body and all its imperfections but...I still didn't feel in shape enough. So, that was one of my reasons for doing this program.

With that said, though, I probably wouldn't recommend this program to those who still do push ups on their knees or can't hold a plank as there are a lot of moves that require full push ups and doing things while holding a plank and even the modifications don't go to their knees. But if you're okay with that, then by all means, go for it. I just have a type A personality and know that for myself I would want to be able to do at least what the modification is.

The Workout

Dirty 30 Extreme - your legs and shoulders will be on FIRE after this workout. But that's not all of the muscles that you will work. Like most of the workouts in 21 Day Fix Extreme, Autumn doesn't just workout one group of muscles but at least two. When you squat, you're also working out your shoulders. And when you lunge, you come up for bicep curls.

Like all of the other workouts in this program, Dirty 30 Extreme is 30 minutes in length, with a warm up, cool down, and Autumn's favorite...the bonus round, where she works your abs and shoulders through a plank move. 

Within the first 5 minutes, or rather in the first move, I was sweating and heavy breathing. I definitely felt this workout..but that means it's working, right? How can we expect to get better if we aren't sore from pushing ourselves?

What is needed for this workout?

Water, and heavy, medium and light weights.

Is there floor work?

Yes, in the form of planks.

Is there cardio in this workout?

No, but the exercises will get your heart rate up if you are using the correct amount of weights.

Are there modifications?

Yes, there is someone you can follow for modifications.

Is this a leg day?

Yes but all body parts are worked - abs, back, shoulders, biceps, legs, and more.

Can you do doubles?

It is advised not to do doubles since this is an extreme workout. Otherwise, overtraining might occur which means there is a good chance of injuries.

Are there water breaks?

Yes they last 10 seconds between each move.

Would you recommend this workout? 

Yes! This is one of my favorite programs and routines!

**If you have any other questions, feel free to comment below or send me an e-mail!

If you think this program might be for you, sign up to be a part of my next challenge group and come workout and get fit with others like you! Want to learn more, just fill out the form below and I will be in contact soon (usually the next day)!
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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thin Mint Shakeology Recipe

I don't know about you, but I LOVE thin mint cookies. I've been strong enough to say no to the Girl Scouts that suddenly appeared outside my grocery store. And I must say, it was HARD! One day I did a major no-no and went shopping hungry so that day was even harder! But even though I said no, here I am daydreaming about those darn cookies! So, I knew that in order to beat this craving, I had to come up with a healthier version of what I was craving. The result was: Thin Mint Shakeology! 

If you haven't heard or tried Shakeology - you're missing out! It's a super food protein shake that comes in 6 flavors (even vegan flavors if that's your thing)! One serving is also your vegetable servings for the day. So, if you don't like veggies, this is for you! And best of all, it tastes like a dessert. What could be better than that?

Monday, March 16, 2015

My 21 Day Fix Extreme Results - Round 1!!

Wow! This workout is no joke! For 21 Days, I committed to 30 minutes of exercise a day (yep, that's right, NO REST!!) and also to the rock solid nutrition plan that didn't allow any cheat meals!! Yikes!

Okay, so I admit I caved a couple of times and had a cheat here and there so I know my results aren't all that they could have been but they still surprised a good way. It wasn't really visual results for me but more so the measurements. Like, jaw dropping, have to retake it again kind of surprise.

And I do have to apologize, I know I'm not the best photographer. And, I'll admit - I was a bit skeptical at exactly what results I'd have in 21 Days. I thought I was at goal weight and had loose skin from massive weight loss so I really didn't think I had anything left to lose. But here's the photo.

And my photo contains some spoilers but here are the results:

In 21 Days, I:

  • LOST 7 Inches overall
  • LOST 3% body fat
  • GAINED 3.2lbs of muscle
I can definitely tell a difference in my legs! Last year I had a health scare and was out of commission for a few months. I ended up losing a ton of muscle mass. Even when I started exercising again, it didn't come right back. I struggled to go up and down stairs and even had to take breaks doing so. Now after doing just 1 round, stairs are no problem at all! It is such an amazing feeling to not only get my strength back but to feel stronger than I've ever been before. Thanks 21 Day Fix Extreme!

Want to join me on my next round? Request to join my next Challenge Group by sending me a message or filling out the form below!

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Friday, March 13, 2015

Super Mocha Icy Pops Recipe

I don't know about you but personally, I LOVE ice cream and warm weather. Unfortunately, ice cream DOESN'T love my body. But there's just something about sitting by the pool or at a BBQ, enjoying a nice, cool treat. Here in California, it gets into the 110 degree range in the summer so I have to find ways to keep cool. 

I know with this lifestyle change it means things like not eating ice cream every day. It's okay once and awhile. I'll admit from time to time, I use it as my one cheat meal per week. But the foodie in me wants it more than that time. So what's a girl to do? I don't like depriving myself as that has led to overeating of the bad stuff in the past so in order to curb my cravings, I have to find a healthy alternative. Luckily, these Super Mocha Icy Pops does the trick!! And it's SUPER EASY to make! Who doesn't love food that is easy to make?!?!? All you need are Popsicle makers and the following ingredients. Just mix the ingredients together, toss some in some Popsicle makers, and freeze!

Let me know if you try this!! I always love to hear from you!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

TurboFire - On Sale for March 2015!!

What is TurboFire?

TurboFire is a crazy-intense and crazy-fun cardio program designed to awaken your inner athlete and help you get a leaner, sexier body - fast! This 90-day program is packed with kickboxing drills, aerobic exercises, and intense intervals perfectly choreographed to the hottest music, so you stay motivated to push hard and get awesome results. Award-winning fitness expert Chalene Johnson (creator of other successful programs like TurboJam and ChaLEAN Extreme) is with you every step of the way, until you're hooked on the adrenaline high, burning tons of calories, and shredding those extra pounds. This is also the main program that I used to help me shed 200lbs and get me featured on TurboFire's Official Facebook page!

Why is it Effective?

The science behind TurboFire is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) - also known as "Fire Drills" - where you can burn up to 9x more fat and calories than with traditional cardio. HIIT means working out at your max in up to 1-minute intervals, followed by a short rest. This is the kind of athletic training that top athletes do to get in amazing shape, because it ignites the AfterBurn Effect, where your body continues to burn calories long after your workout is over. Just 4 minutes of HIIT can be more effective than 30-45 minutes on a treadmill or stair-climber. The workouts are tough, but there's always a modifier, and Chalene even includes low-impact classes so you can still get incredible results without jumping.

How Does it Work?

Exercising at your max in short (less than 1 minute) intervals improves aerobic and anaerobic energy release and cranks up your body's metabolism to burn calories faster. So you burn more stored body fat to help you recover from the workout.

This occurs because the intense intervals fatigue your muscle groups. In turn, your body works overtime to replenish the tired muscles with oxygen, creating the AfterBurn Effect, which can scorch calories for up to 24 hours after you've finished class.

According to many recent studies, a very intense training program such as HIIT will improve both the aerobic and anaerobic energy release in your body. When you do the Fire Drills in class - otherwise known as HIIT - you're exercising at your max in up to one-minute intervals. As a result, your body cranks up your metabolism and shifts it into calorie-burner mode.

In the period following your class you end up burning more stored body fat to help recover from the workout. This happens because the intense intervals fatigue your muscle groups. In turn, your body works overtime to replenish the tired muscles with oxygen, creating what we call the AfterBurn Effect.

The human growth hormone (aka HGH) is a very powerful substance that's naturally produced by our bodies. Among other things, it's responsible for growth spurts during childhood. But just like other hormones in the body, the production of HGH slows down significantly when we reach our mid-thirties.

In a recent study, researchers found that HIIT can trigger the body to produce more HGH. When the human growth hormone is released during exercise, you wind up burning fat after training. Which means that even though you may be resting, you're still experiencing the calorie-melting benefits of the AfterBurn Effect.

According to the study, in a 30-second all-out effort sprint, this hormone increased in the body as much as 530%, In fact, the growth hormone circulated in the body for 2 hours after this type of high intensity exercise.

What Makes TurboFire Unique?

TurboFire is a high-intensity workout set to the hottest music that pushes you beyond your limits every time. More intense but less "dancy" than Turbo Jam, it can be used as a graduate program for Turbo lovers, or those that just want to have fun while they lose weight. Other extremem programs, like ChaLEAN Extreme and P90X focus on building muscle and burning fat through weight training. TurboFire, along with its HIIT training, helps you achieve your maximum transformation faster than any other cardio program. And unlike Insanity, the TurboFire program can be repeated indefinitely.

Who is TurboFire For?

  • People who want to lose weight and scorch off fat
  • People who want a lean, fit body
  • Fans of Chalene's TurboJam
  • People who want to improve their current fitness levels gradually

What is Included?

Get Fired Up DVD
New to class? Let Chalene guide you step by step with tools and tips to get the most out of each class, what to expect from the program and how to achieve the best results with HIIT.

Fire Starter Class
Perfect your form and master the TurboFire moves! Chalene breaks them down for you at a slower pace, so you  can be ready for the HIIT classes.

Low HIITS: Low HIIT 20, Low HIIT 25 Classes
Don't let the "low"(as in low-impact) fool you - these high-intensity workouts ignite the AfterBurn Effect to help your body keep burning calories.

Fire HIITS: Fire 30, Fire 40, Fire 45, Fire 55 Classes
Melt away the fat with these longer cardio classes. They feature even more versions of the calorie-blasting HIITs you love, created by Chalene, in extended formats to develop your endurance.

Extreme HIITS: HIIT 15, HIIT 20, HIIT 25 Classes
Give your max for up to 1-minute intervals during these classes and you can burn calories for up to 24 hours AFTER your workout's over!

Stretch 10 Class
Increase your flexibility, reduce soreness, and lengthen your hardworking muscles by warming down after your classes.

Turn Up the Burn Fitness Guide
Find out what makes TurboFire unlike any other fitness program available. After reading this guide, you'll be more in the know about HIIT, how to use this program, and why it really works.

Fuel the Fire Nutrition Guide
TurboFire is a calorie-driven program that's based on eating the right kind of foods to fuel your body. Flip through our specially designed Nutrition Guide for some tips. The healthy snack ideas and easy-to-prep recipes that will help you maintain high energy levels while you train.

TurboFire Class Schedule
Daily schedule just for you that takes the guesswork out of when or how long you should be working out so you can get the best results.

5 Day Inferno Plan
Kick-start your workout program in just 5 days. This meal and exercise plan gets you into the rhythm of your new class schedule and healthier diet.

Lower Body Band
Add muscle definition without the bulk. This body-sculpting band in the Sculpting and Toning Classes will give you lean curves from your legs all the way up to your arms.

Resistance Band
To better sculpt your body, TurboFire Classes were designed to incorporate Resistance Bands. They'll help give you lean curves from your legs all the way up to your arms. Or you have the option of wearing weighted gloves.

Bonus DVDs- FREE when you order through a coach

Ab Igniter
This seriously intense 10-minute workout is filled with advanced options that isolate your core muscles to help build a strong six-pack.

Greatest HIITs
A 20-minute compilation of all the best TurboFire HIIT drills that challenge you to scorch maximum calories.

12 TurboFire Classes on 10 DVDs:

1. Fire 55 EZ Class 
2. Fire 45 Class 
3. Fire 30 Class 
4. Fire 45 EZ Class 
5. Sculpt 30 Class 
6. Tone 30 Class 
7. Stretch 40 Class 
8. Core 20 Class 
9. HIIT 15 Class
10. HIIT 20 Class
11. HIIT 25 Class
12. Stretch 10 Class

5 Advanced Classes on 4 DVDs
1. Fire 60 Class 
2. HIIT 30 Class 
3. Lower 20 Class 
4. Upper 20 Class 
5. Abs 10 Class 

What Else You Need:

  • Mat - For added comfort, roll out a yoga mat for the scultping and stretching classes and floor exercises.
  • Towel - You're going to sweat a lot so have a towel ready!
  • Water - Sip on water during class and make sure to drink at least 64 ounces or more throughout the day. Water helps replenish your body's essential fluids and flushes out impurities.
  • Shoes - Invest in a good pair of cross-trainers. They absorb the shock from jumping and protect knees and joints while giving your feet support for added agility.

Nutrition Plan

The TurboFire eating plan, like all Beachbody programs, focuses on clean eating and includes 3 meals and 2 snacks. Eating every few hours not only supports your metabolism but also gives you energy to get through your classes. Using the Fuel the Fire book, you'll calculate how many calories you should be eating.

For weeks 5-8, 9-12, 13-16 and 17-20 you'll recalculate this information in order to stay on track as your weight will drop, changing your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate), which is used in the calculation.

When to plan your meals and snacks:
Breakfast: within an hour of waking up
Snack: 2-3 hours after breakfast
Lunch:2-3 hours after snack 
Snack: 2-3 hours after lunch
Dinner: at least 3 hours before going to bed

The TurboFire meal plan is based on a 1,500-calorie daily diet. However, everyone's body is different, which means the calorie intake also varies. So you may need to alter it to suit your needs.The snacks recommended in the TurboFire meal plan contain 100 calories or less. This makes it easy to mix and match snacks to meet your caloric requirements. If your body needs more calories, you can either increase your portions or use meals in place of snacks. Whatever you do, avoid eating fewer than 1200 calories a day. You'll not only lack the proper nutrients to fuel your body but your body could think it's starving and spin your metabolism in the opposite direction, making you gradually put the weight back on.

As your body gets into better shape, it will begin to burn more calories. In turn, you may need to increase the calories you eat to maintain your fitness goals and avoid seeing a plateau in your results. In the simplest sense, when your body's out of shape and has more fat and less muscle, your metabolism is slow. As you begin to eat less, you lose fat, since your body converts it to fuel. Add exercise to this equation and now you start building muscle, which also speeds up your fat loss. More muscle requires more calories to maintain. If you don't eat more, your workouts will suffer and so will your results.

The nutrition book also goes over things like label reading, macronutrients (protein, fat, carbs, etc.), clean eating, healthy eating, calculating calories, meal planning, recipes, healthy tips, how to fill your plate, portions, preworkout foods, beverages, and more.

Who is Chalene Johnson?

A New York Times best-selling author, Chalene is a devoted mother of two. With 20 years of experience as one of the most popular fitness instructors in the nation, Chalene has learned that a class setting encourages the excitement and energy you need to get the most out of your workout. Now she's bringing that same experience to your home. Unlike her Turbo classes in Southern California, you won't need to make a reservation or stand in line for an hour. Chalene's already saved the best spot in class for you. Anytime you want to turn up the burn, just Push Play.

The Package Options/Cost:

For buying this program, you have a few options. Some packages contain DVDs only so make sure you read them and decide which is right for you. For example, if you don't have a resistance band or Shakeology, you will want to choose one that does or you might have to purchase separately.

TurboFire Challenge Pack (Best option)
On sale for the month of March for $140.00 (You save over $90 and wind up paying $10 for TurboFire). 

  • TurboFire Base Kit (see below for information)
  • Shakeology Home Delivery
  • First 30-day supply of Shakeology - the superfood shake that helps give you energy, reduce cravings, and accelerate your fitness results.
  • 30 Day Team Beachbody Club trial membership
    • Streaming access to TurboFire : Instantly jump-start your fitness program and tap into hundreds of other digital workouts from Beachbody's massive collection of world-class programs via any desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device
    • 10% discount on all purchases
    • Meal plans personalized for your goals
    • VIP access to your favorite trainers and Beachbody experts, including live chats, exclusive videos, nutrition tips, and delicious recipes
    • Access to message boards and chat rooms
  • FREE access to Beachbody On Demand, where you can instantly stream TurboFire and hundreds of proven Beachbody workouts as part of your 30-Day VIP Trial Membership to the Team Beachbody Club.
  • Super Discount Shipping each month on Shakeology (saving over $12)
  • 6 FREE gifts :
    • Fuel the Fire Nutrition Guide
    • Abs 10 Class
    • 24/7 Online Support
    • Fire Starter Class Instant Streaming
    • 2 exclusive bonus workouts - Ab Igniter and Greatest HIITs ($60 value) - if ordered through your coach
Base Kit
  • 12 classes on 5 DVDs
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Fire Starter Class
  • Fuel the Fire Nutrition Guide
  • TurboFire Class Schedule
  • Fuel the Fire Nutrition Guide
  • Abs 10 Class
  • 24/7 Online Support
  • Fire Starter Class Instant Streaming
Price: $79.90

Complete System
Comes with:

  • 12 workouts on 5 DVDs
  • 5 advanced workouts
  • 1 resistance band
  • 1 thigh firming band
  • Fuel the Fire Nutrition Guide
  • Abs 10 Class
  • 24/7 Online Support
  • Fire Starter Class Instant Streaming
Price: $159.80

Deluxe Upgrade Kit

TurboFire Advanced Deluxe
Comes with :

  • 5 advanced workouts (see below for details)
  • 1 toning band
  • 1 thigh-firming band
Price: $79.90

Advanced DVDs - $39.90 
This package is only DVDs. There are 5 Advanced TurboFire DVDs available. They include the following:

  • HIIT 30 Class - Get through your longest HIIT Class (packed with 11 Fire Drills) and the AfterBurn Effect will be working overtime.
  • Fire 60 Class - Add variety to your schedule with Chalene's longest Fire HIIT Class. This one will have you HIITing it 4 times with Turbo Tracks to motivate you along the way.
  • Sculpt 30 Class - Get stronger for your HIIT classes (and leaner all over) with Chalene's total-body sculpting class. This class features dynamic moves to build endurance while firming and defining your hard-worked muscles.
  • Tone 30 Class - Chalene never wants you (or your muscles) to get bored, so she's designed an additional total-body resistance class with new moves that will work you out from top to bottom.
  • Core 20 Class - Focus on your entire core for 20 powerful minutes, and you'll see tight, flat abs in no time.
TurboFire Starter Pack
Chalene breaks down every move to get you started on the right foot, introduces low impact HIIT workouts, and helps you perfect your form so you feel the burn. This pack includes the following DVDs:
  • Get Fired Up: Chalene guides you through the program to prepare you for the challenge and help you get the best results.
  • Fire Starter Class: Chalene breaks down every move you'll do in TurboFire. So if you're new to class, you'll get started on the right foot. 
  • Low HIIT 20 and Low HIIT 25 Classes: Use these to build up or take a breather from the high-impact HIIT workouts.
  • Stretch 10 Class: Increase your flexibility through yoga and special stretching techniques that help you create long, sexy muscles.
Price: $39.95

TurboFire Keep on Burning DVD
If you love TurboFire, Keep on Burnin' was made for you. On this intense DVD, you'll get 3 more classes to help you scorch even more fat and calories. It comes with the following:
Greatest HIITs: Chalene's hottest Fire Drills from all your favorite HIIT classes remixed so you can burn up to 9X more fat than with traditional cardio. You'll perform bursts of cardio at your highest intensity level to ignite your metabolism.
Ab Igniter Class: Work your abs like crazy in this seriously intense 10-minute workout filled with advanced options. You'll perform core isolation and resistance moves to build a strong six-pack.
Stretch 10 Class: Help elongate your muscles from end to end and increase your flexibility through special stretching techniques.
Price: $29.95

TurboTracker Journal
A really cool notebook where you can log all your workouts and meals. It also includes daily motivational tips from Chalene, a calorie-counting guide, and more. This is good if you are the kind of person who likes writing things down. You can take it everywhere you go and it's small enough to fit in your purse, briefcase, or backpack.

Price: $19.95

If you want to find out more information on this program, discuss your goals, or are ready for this challenge, fill out my Challenge Group Application to reserve your spot! New challenges every month!
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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Lemon Pepper Chicken Stir Fry - Quick and Cheap!

When money is tight or I'm in a hurry, there is one meal I turn to when I want to stay on track: Lemon Pepper Chicken Stir Fry. It's extremely easy and affordable as well as healthy. And, since I've been doing the 21 Day Fix Extreme lately, I made it 21 Day Fix Extreme- approved as well! It involves 2 green, 1 orange, 1 red, 1 yellow but you can make it to best suit your own nutritional needs. Enjoy!

1 Tbsp Canola Oil
1 Tsp Ginger, chopped
2 Green Container of Mixed Vegetables
1 Orange Container of Cashews (Note: Cashews are actually a blue container but I didn't feel like counting out the number of nuts and so I just filled it in the orange, which makes it half a blue. Sorry for the confusion!!)
1 Red Container of Chopped Chicken
Lemon Pepper Seasoning to taste
Garlic Salt to taste

The ingredients used you can make what works for you. If you're on a budget and need to use frozen instead of fresh vegetables - go for it! If you're short on time and need to purchase pre-chopped chicken - great! For me, what I did was buy a rotisserie chicken, use frozen vegetables, bought some pre-chopped ginger


1. Add oil and ginger to wok and heat over medium-low heat. Stir ginger around until melted.

2. Add in chicken and turn up heat to medium high heat.

3. Add in cashews and stir around.

4. Add in vegetables (green and yellow containers) and stir around. Add in garlic salt and lemon pepper seasoning (optional).

5. Serve and enjoy!